This Blog is Worth A Lot!
Pretty crazy... when I started this blog, I never realized that it would someday be worth B$2,773.51. That's quite a bit of money. I have no idea what it means, but I wish I could get that money for myself.
Here's a look at what some of my friend's and enemy's blogs are worth:
Woot! Woot! (B$220,679.95)
Adventures of Chad Cleanly (B$5,482.50)
Iron Shoulder (B$3,177.99)
Being Pregnant is Crazy! (B$2,283.76)
Wow... I've got some rich blogs.
Frank U. McBoob
Here's a look at what some of my friend's and enemy's blogs are worth:
Woot! Woot! (B$220,679.95)
Postsecret (B$194,697.94)
Mighty Dyckerson (B$6,969.46)
RevRee (B$6,641.74)Adventures of Chad Cleanly (B$5,482.50)
Iron Shoulder (B$3,177.99)
Being Pregnant is Crazy! (B$2,283.76)
Wow... I've got some rich blogs.
Frank U. McBoob
I'm number THREE?!! There must be some mistake. How were those numbers calculated?
By Mighty Dyckerson, at 1/06/2006 5:06 PM
You don't like being on top of me Dyck?
By RevRee, at 1/08/2006 8:51 PM
Mighty, I've got no idea. However, those two other blogs have had national media attention. If I were you, I'd work your contacts and try to get some articles written about you. Perhaps a story on 60Minutes.
revree, Mighty has always seemed like a bottom type of person.
Frank U. McBoob
By Frank McBoob, at 1/09/2006 12:12 AM
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