Frank U. McBoob: The Life


Bud Light

Is it just me or is it that everytime I drink a Bud Light it tastes nastier and nastier?

Tonight, I took a sip of one and I was pretty sure I was drinking Snuffulufugus's urine.

I wouldn't put it past him, but it was a fresh can and there's no way he could have got his pee into an un-opened can without driving to St. Louis to do it. And while he can drive, he can't go that far.

Frank U. McBoob


This Blog is Worth A Lot!

Pretty crazy... when I started this blog, I never realized that it would someday be worth B$2,773.51. That's quite a bit of money. I have no idea what it means, but I wish I could get that money for myself.

Here's a look at what some of my friend's and enemy's blogs are worth:
Woot! Woot! (B$220,679.95)
Postsecret (B$194,697.94)
Mighty Dyckerson (B$6,969.46)
RevRee (B$6,641.74)
Adventures of Chad Cleanly (B$5,482.50)
Iron Shoulder (B$3,177.99)
Being Pregnant is Crazy! (B$2,283.76)

Wow... I've got some rich blogs.

Frank U. McBoob


Does anyone else despise the stupid codes required for posting something?

It always takes me two attempts to get it right, letters look like other letters, because they're smashed against each other. X's look like Y's and y's look like nickels.

Let me know your opinion on the matter, because I'm thinking about turning them off. Hopefully, anonymous doesn't come back then. I'll fight him to the death if he does though.

Frank U. McBoob


You're an Idiot

This morning, a man cut me off while I was driving to work. I leaned out the window and told him he was an idiot. He told me to go suck on a toe.

I love feet, so that's what I did when I got home.

Frank U. McBoob